Health - page 4

Chestnut health benefits and therapeutic value

The chestnut (Castanea sativa) is the fruit of the chestnut tree which is native to Southern Europe and Asia Minor. The Romans worked on selecting the best varieties from the wild. Nicknamed “the bread tree”,
Paper bag with a handful of chestnuts

Weeds that are full of benefits

Seems their reputation could use an upgrade! “Weeds” are most often plants that have a great many appealing benefits you can actually savor around the dinner table!
Weeds with health benefits include dandelion

Lower fever naturally with plants

Fever, this common and frequent ailment that everyone has experienced, is a symptom revealed through abnormally high body temperature in the absence of any intense physical effort. Plants can help treat it.
Cup and saucer with thermometer and ginger

Bad moldy food

Some foods are really dangerous to eat when mold starts 
Old rice casserole molding

Spring Detox course

Cleansing and boosting the body at winter’s end is the goal of a detox course. Feeling light and full of energy as days grow longer and more beautiful is only a few bites away!
Vegetables that help detox the body in spring
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