
Plants of the Malvaceae family have one famous member: marshmallow! This is also the relative of Hibiscus and countless other mallows. Discover them here.

Hibiscus, a tropical sensation

The lively flower colors of the Hibiscus bring to mind the enchantment of tropical flowers. Hibiscus also exist as shrubs that have adapted to colder, temperate latitudes. They often gild our summer days with multicolored dream-like flowers.
Rose of sharon hibiscus

Marshmallow, a cute medicinal flower

Medicinal marshmallow, or Althaea officinalis, is both grown as a medicinal herb for its therapeutic properties and as an ornamental plant since its flowers are so cute.
Althaea officinalis, marshmallow

Weeds that are full of benefits

Seems their reputation could use an upgrade! “Weeds” are most often plants that have a great many appealing benefits you can actually savor around the dinner table!
Weeds with health benefits include dandelion

Flowers to grow for an easy flower bed

How to flower a garden without spending a fortune? Easy fast-growing perennials won’t need much care and will bloom for a long time. Every year, you’ll have the pleasure of seeing them thrive. They may even surprise you as they spontaneously self-sow in new spots of the garden. Make the most of the beginning of […]
Easy perennials to decorate flower beds

Black hollyhock, mysterious beauty

It is all in one: beautiful and original, mysterious and ornamental… Black hollyhock is without doubt one of the most remarkable hollyhocks.
Hollyhock can come in a deep black color like this single black bloom.

Abutilon, an indoor maple

Abutilon, also called room maple, is a very beautiful plant that blooms from spring to fall. Caring for it is easy.
Three abutilon flowers and leaves on black background, with yellow petals and red cuppolas.
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