Not enough physical activity or apartment life doesn’t always allow our dogs to naturally wear down their claws. Too long, broken, or cracked, they cause our dogs to have trouble moving, sprains, injuries, sharp pain, and potential infections. Regular maintenance of your dog’s claws is an easy act of kindness to implement.
Here’s why and how to take care of it.
When your dog moves, all his weight rest on his pads and claws. Poorly kept claws hinder movement, balance, and poses. They are sources of discomfort and intense pain when too long, since they curve back and penetrate your pet’s skin. Their maintenance is essential to keep your buddies healthy.
Note that the dewclaws located inside the legs don’t wear out as they don’t touch the ground. Your dog’s claws or nails should be checked every two months for potential trimming.
Getting the right equipment is essential for everyone’s safety.
All these items are available for purchase or on order at good pet stores.
Some precautions are necessary before adopting this care routine with your pup.
Cut a bit too short and there’s bleeding? Apply silver nitrate with a pad, while calming your dog. Protect its paw for a few hours with a sock secured by a rubber band. You can find silver nitrate at a pharmacy.
If your dog breaks a claw, get to a vet, because infection risks lurk, especially if part of claw is still in your dog’s paw. They’ll prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.
Your dog will need to rest and wear a paw protection.
Got a new puppy? Start claw care early. If you get him used to it while young, he’ll tolerate the handling better. Worried about cutting your dog’s claws, especially if they’re black? Hire a groomer or ask your vet.
Don’t take any chances!