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Ananas comosus – grow pineapples at home!

Ananas comosus growing and care.

Ananas comosus is a plant that bears beautiful leaves, but what makes the plant famous is its fruit: the pineapple.

Key Ananas comosomus facts

Name – Ananas comosus
Family – Bromeliaceae
Type – indoor plant

Height – 12 to 16 inches (30 to 40 cm)
Exposure – very well-lit while avoiding direct sun.

Foliage – evergreen
Flowering – end of winter or summer

Even though the plant is native to Brazil, it’s perfectly possible to grow your pineapple at home if you follow these growing tips.

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Planting and repotting Ananas comosus

Ananas comosus is a plant that requires soil that is rich and well-drained to grow well. Special Bromeliaceae soil mix seems to be the best solution for your pineapple plant.

  • Ananas comosus never grows far-reaching roots, which is why a small pot, about 6 inches (15 cm), is more than enough.
  • You will only need to repot when you want to split new shoots from the main plant.
  • Ananas comosus requires well drained substrate, which is why adding sand is relevant.
  • Ananas comosus roots hate having too much water.
  • Double-check that the pot has a hole drilled in the bottom.

The right place for your pineapple

Flower of the Ananas comosus plant.Ananas comosus requires temperatures that hover between 64°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C) and never drop below 57°F (15°C).

  • Your Ananas comosus can’t stand the sun’s rays when they touch its leaves directly while indoors.
    So the plant rejoices in adequate light but not direct sun.
  • Absolutely avoid setting it near heat sources such as radiators, because moisture is what this tropical plant needs most.

Ananas comosus also requires high moisture levels.

  • In winter, you must rest the pot on a bed of clay marbles or gravel with water filling in the gaps. The pot itself must be set above the water level.
  • Evaporation will ensure the pineapple can pull moisture out from the air.
  • Other techniques to increase air moisture around your pineapple

Watering and fertilizing for Ananas comosus

Regular but moderate watering is called for because Ananas comosus doesn’t usually require a lot of water.

Watering a pineapple plant in spring and summer

Maintain a bit of moisture in the soil mix and provide liquid leaf plant fertilizer every fortnight.

  • Water ideally with water that is already at room temperature and that isn’t hard.

Watering your pineapple plant in fall and winter

Reduce watering and wait for the soil to be dry before watering again.

Also reduce provision of fertilizer down to once a month.

Diseases & issues related to pineapple plants

When grown indoors, most of the common indoor plant diseases may be encountered, such as:

If leaves turn yellow or start looking dull, it means the plant lacks light.

If the tips of leaves droop over, it is because the surrounding air is too dry or too warm. You’ll have to increase moisture around the leafage. Try misting the leaves with soft water.

If the plant doesn’t grow and your pineapple plant remains stunted, it’s probably connected to lack of fertilizer.

Learn more about Ananas comosus

Caring for ananas comosusThis fruit plant is native to Brazil but is now grown in tropical countries across the planet.

As a plant of the Bromelia family, it only bears a single flower in its lifetime.

With its thick, spiny leaves, it’s a wonderfully graphic plant. It does great in modern settings.

It doesn’t require any pollination to produce its fruit, the delicious pineapple.

You can use the leafy tip of a pineapple to start a new plant! This is a rare case of fruit cuttings that are often very successful.

Smart tip about Ananas comosus

Watch out for drafts and gusts: the pineapple plant hates those as much as it hates sudden temperature swings.

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Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
Pixabay: Julian Hacker, Josch, Luis Antonio Salcido Guevara
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