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Codonanthe, flowering cascade of emerald leaves


Codonanthe is a rare find in garden stores, but the cascading string of leaves is clearly worth the quest!

Key Codonanthe facts

FamilyGesneriaceae (African violet family)
Type – indoor plant, hanging plant

Height – 6 inches, trails down to 2 feet (15 and 60 cm)
Soil – very well-draining soil mix
Exposure – bright, indirect light

Propagation: cuttings  –  Flowering: all year  –  Fun fact: love affair with ants

Follow these tips to discover and care for your Codonanthe just the way it should!

Planting Codonanthe

Codonanthe grows best… in the air! It’s an epiphyte plant, like many orchids and other air-plants. It doesn’t need much soil since it usually grows on trees.

Growing Codonanthe in a pot

Codonanthe plantingCodonanthe will be happiest in a hanging pot or suspension. Place it on a shelf or up to the side of a doorway to maximize the beautiful trailing.

The best soil for Codonanthe is any excellent-draining soil mix, such as soil mix designed for orchids.

  • Peat is ideal, but other materials such as coconut fiber, clay balls or even bark mulch will do great, too.
  • You can also use regular soil mix, but then it’s important to let the soil dry up down to the first knuckle before watering again.

Be wary because Codonanthe isn’t a classic houseplant. It hates sitting in waterlogged, soggy soil.

  • Avoid deep pot-holders to make sure roots never wallow in sitting water!

Pot size doesn’t really matter. To trail a good two feet, a pot about 8 inches across and 4 inches deep is enough (20 cm across, 10 cm deep).

Codonanthe, an excellent terrarium plant

Its small size and need for high air moisture make Codonanthe a great choice for a terrarium.

  • Set it to the side on a branch-like ornament with Fittonia on the ground and a Ficus ginseng growing nearby.
  • Remember to lock moisture in for the Codonanthe to thrive.

Codonanthe outdoors

Codonanthe needs to be protected from freezing, and even simply cool weather might kill it. Don’t let is experience temperatures lower than 40°F (5°C).

Codonanthe sprawling as ground cover.If winters stay mild and above this temperature, you can set your Codonanthe up in the garden.

  • Try setting it atop a pergola or arch.
  • Use it as a topper for iron garden works like fences or arbors.
  • On the ground, it will provide excellent ground cover.

Watering and caring for Codonanthe

Watering Codonanthe

Codonanthe is an epiphyte plant – this means that in the wild, it grows without any soil! It is very similar to orchids since it usually lives up in trees.

  • Rainwater streaming down trees is often the only source of water and nutrients Codonanthe has in the wild.
  • Roots appear along leaf nodes to attach the plant to bark and collect running water.

The best way to water Codonanthe is as you would orchids, with the dunk-and-drip-dry technique.

  • Dunk the root ball in a bowl or bucket of water that is at room temperature. Rainwater is best.
  • After 2 to 5 minutes, pull the plant out and let it drip until drops stop (that’s a bit hard to pronounce).
  • Put the plant back in its usual growing spot.
  • Do this twice a week in summer, but only once a week in winter.

Codonanthe can survive short droughts, but this will trigger leaf and stem loss. It will also delay flowering.

Exposure for Codonanthe

Avoid direct sunlight and any heating implements like radiators. Direct sun and heat sources will dry the plant out, turning it brown.

  • Draw a translucent curtain if all you have is a window facing to the midday sun.

In the wild, this plant lives up in trees. It’s always shaded from strong sun and trees release lots of air moisture.

Codonanthe care

Codonanthe is an easy plant to care for. Occasionally (once a month, skip winter), add liquid fertilizer to the watering mix.

High moisture is essential. It may be that the perfect spot is in your kitchen or in the bathroom!

You can repot the plant every two or three years to replenish soil nutrients.

Trimming Codonanthe

Codonanthe doesn’t really need any trimming. Cutting a sprig will cause branching out into new sprigs.

Older portions tend to turn woody. If you want to rejuvenate your plant:

  • Best wait until after the main blooming season. Blooming usually tapers down in fall. It’s ok if there are still a few flowers left.
  • Don’t cut all woody portions back at once.
  • Best cut a third at a time, over the course of a year.
  • This ensure sap and nutrients keep circulating through the plant.

Codonanthe propagation

Seed propagation of Codonanthe

Young immature bright orange codonanthe berryCodonanthe will readily self-pollinate and produce seeds. These look uncannily like small grains of rice. You’ll find them in the Codonanthe fruits which look like tiny Physalis berries, without the husk.

Codonanthe cuttings

Prepare soil cuttings from 4 to 6-inch segments of a trailing vine (10-15 cm).

  • Make sure to include at least three leaf pairs to start your Codonanthe a bit faster.
  • Right-side up is better, but if you get it wrong a few stems might still sprout nonetheless.
  • Also works with water cuttings, but make sure you change the water often.
  • Plant several cuttings in the same pot for a immediately bunchy effect.

Cuttings will also work from individual pairs of leaves, if you prick them in a tray. Keep them moist, just as you would when propagating succulents.

Horticulture industry

Professional propagators are able to use micro-propagation to multiply Codonanthe quickly and efficiently, helping make this rare plant more affordable!

  • Tiny slivers of plant parts are laid to rest on special nutrient-rich growing gel.
  • Whole plants start growing and are then transplanted to pots.

Striking Codonanthe varieties

This is a rare houseplant. Not many stores have it for sale.

Happy owners will be very glad to share a few cuttings from their plant if you ask them politely!

The following species and varieties are particularly noteworthy:

Codonanthe devosiana

Codonanthe deviosanaCodonanthe deviosana is one of those eye-catches that trigger a double-take when you notice them. Long trailing stems, roundish leaves, cute white flowers? It’s like having a string-of-pearls, jade plant, and Madagascar jasmine all in one! Special varieties:

  • Codonanthe devosiana ‘Paula’  – dark purple-green velvety round leaves and light-pinkish white flowers
  • Codonanthe devosiana ‘Pink’ – flowers are white but each petal is rimmed with pink

Other species are even rarer:

Codonanthe gracilis

Codonanthe gracilisDeep green drop-shaped leaves with a pointed tip.

Similar flowers to those of Codonanthe devosiana.

Codonanthe crassifolia

Clearly lance-shaped leaves, tinged with red around the edges. Leaves turn dark cherry red as leaves age. Leaves are more tightly packed than other species.

Codonanthe cordifolia

Bright green leaves, somewhat larger than those of other species. Trails faster as leaves are spaced by several inches (5-8 cm) between pairs.

Codonanthe problems

You won’t often have problems with Codonanthe, but if you do, solve them here.

Learn more about Codonanthe

Red leaved codonanthe varietyNative to Southeastern Brazil, in South America, Codonanthe brings a touch of that care-free, easy-going lushness of the Rio de Janeiro carnival! It would happily dangle down from the outstretched arms of the Corcovado in that moist, rich atmosphere. Even though it’s a cousin of the African violet, they both come from different continents.

It’s perfect to spruce up professional work spaces. Hang Codonanthe just above an office zz plant. They’ll both seem to reach out to each other!

This plant can live for decades if well cared for. A rare variety has reached the venerable age of 40 years!

Codonanthe and ants, a surprising love story

There is a rare symbiotic relationship between Codonanthe and ants!

  • The plant evolved to produce seeds that look very similar to ant eggs.
  • Ants pick the seeds up, thinking they’re eggs. They store them in their nest high up in trees, .
  • Seeds hatch inside the ant nest, where growing conditions are ideal (stable temperature, no predators, many nutrients and moisture).
  • In return, the plant produces sweet nectar under its leaves to feed the ants that “care” for it!
  • Ants also help pollinate the plant.
  • Codonanthe roots help structure the ant nest and hold it together.

It’s doubtful that Codonanthe will attract ants into your home. If it gets to be a problem in the garden, read up on these natural ways to get rid of ants.

Codonanthe toxicity

Codonanthe has been the cause of at least one non-fatal poisoning. Although no deaths are connected to the plant, stay on the safe side and don’t let toddlers – or pets! – munch on leaves, flowers, or those bright candy-colored fruits.

Smart tip about Codonanthe

Codonanthe is also one of the air-purifying plants, but its main focus is absorbing Carbon Dioxide at night, CO2. Most plants only reduce CO2 levels during the daytime, but expel it at night. This makes Codonanthe the perfect plant to have in your bedroom!

Credits for images shared to Nature & Garden (all edits by Gaspard Lorthiois):
Suspension with Codonanthe by Michael Wolf under © CC BY-SA 3.0
Codonanthe ground cover by Krzysztof Ziarnek under © CC BY-SA 4.0
Codonanthe fruit by Vojtěch Zavadil under © CC BY-SA 4.0
Red Codonanthe by Christian Feuillet under © CC BY-SA 2.0

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