Here it is! Winter frost is back and sometimes even snow which lead us all up to Christmas!
Although December clearly isn’t the most burdened month of the year for the garden, it does come out as one of the most joyful and full of fun!
Garden work is quite reduced during this wintry month, but it is still necessary to brave the cold to get everything set up for the coming new year.
If it hasn’t frozen yet in your parts, then you’ve still got time to plant your last shrubs and trees as December rolls out.
If the ground is frozen stiff already, you’ll have to delay your planting projects to the beginning of spring. You’ll have a window for planting just after the last frost spells.
Lastly, if the soil permits and it isn’t too hard, finish planting spring bulbs. It’ll be too late in January, so get that done fast!
Christmas is nigh and it bodes well to plant a few winter-blooming flowers!
It also isn’t too late yet to protect your plants against the cold.
You can start pruning pear trees and apple trees, as long as it doesn’t freeze.
Finally, and again only if the temperature is above freezing, you can start pruning your grapevines.
You must take advantage of winter to spray winter treatment products before the blooming in spring.
This mainly relates to cherry trees, pear trees, apple trees and apricot trees.
Clean your garden of the last fallen autumn leaves.
Bringing the mower in for a check-up and purging the engine with fresh oil will increase its performance and ensure it will run for many more years.
Protect your rose tree trunks by raising a mound of dirt around the base, and add plant-based mulch on top of the mound.
Ridging it thus will protect the roots from the cold.
If you haven’t pruned yet, delicately prune dead branches off your rose trees and pluck the remaining leaves so that it stays bare for the winter.
Winter isn’t a time to spend hours outdoors – but you can certainly plan ahead! Take time in front of a window overlooking your garden to reflect on your landscaping. Perhaps you can prepare a plan to implement a few ideas on permaculture design when spring rolls around?