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Hophornbeam, very ornamental

Hop hornbeam leaves and flowers

European hophornbeam is a beautiful ornamental tree that can reach quite an impressive size when fully mature.

Top Hophornbeam facts

Name – Ostrya carpinifolia
Family – Betulaceae
Type – tree

Height – 32 to 65 feet (10 to 20 meters)
Exposure – full sun
Soil – ordinary

Foliage – deciduous
Flowering – April-May

Planting, care and pruning, here is all our advice for caring for hophornbeam (different from hornbeam):

Planting hophornbeam

Hop hornbeam produces a light, filtered shadeHophornbeam would flee excessively acidic soil if it could, preferring rather chalky soil instead; but it’ll also grow well in neutral soil.

  • Hophornbeam appreciates it when the soil is well drained and might suffer if there’s too much moisture, especially in winter.
  • It loves being in the sun!
  • Provide for regular watering over the 1st year after planting.
  • Follow our Nature-and-Garden tree planting tips.

Pruning and caring for hophornbeam

How to prune your hophornbeam

Fresh hophornbeam flowersIt isn’t really a requirement to prune.

You can, however, eliminate dead, weak or damaged branches whenever you notice them.

Hophornbeam is preferably pruned in fall or at the end of winter.

As for care, hophornbeam requires no attention at all once it has settled in comfortably.

On top of that, it is very resistant to most diseases which means you won’t have to treat it.

Learn more about European hophornbeam

Pollen allergies is something to consider when planting european hop hornbeamThis tree, which has leaves and an overall bearing that are very similar to those of common hornbeam, also bears flowers that resemble those of hops. That’s the reason for it’s surprising name!

You’ll only have to wait a few years for these magnificent whitish flowers to appear in your garden.

The tree grows into with a round bearing and does so quite quickly, actually. Although it has, in some cases, exceeded heights of over 65 feet (20 meters), usually hophornbeam will top out at between 35 and 50 feet (10 to 15 meters) at most when fully grown.

  • Note: people allergic to pollen should consider pollen-free trees instead… this one has lots of pollen!


Smart tip about hophornbeam

Since hophornbeam is very hardy, it will resist diseases and thus helps avoid using chemical products.

  • Mulch will inhibit the growth of weeds if you spread it around the tree.

Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
CC BY 4.0: Christian Berg
CC BY-SA 2.0: Krzysztof Belczyński
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