A natural pest control solution, use fermented rhubarb tea during the plant’s entire growth phase.
It is also possible to keep using the fermented tea after maceration for several weeks to several months.
When you choose to use fermented rhubarb tea, you’re supporting the environment while effectively treating your plants.
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Rhubarb is an excellent pest repellent specific to certain insects, especially aphids.
It is also used against allium leaf-mining fly that often attacks leek.
There are 2 methods, both of which are very effective. Note that you should leave the barrel or container open at the top so that air can circulate during fermentation.
On all plants usually attacked by aphids.
Among these are rose trees, fruit trees such as peach trees or cherry trees and also a great number of flower shrubs, perennials and vegetables.
It can also be sprayed on leek to fight allium leaf-mining fly worms.
Credits for images shared to Nature & Garden (all edits by Gaspard Lorthiois):
Flowers and leaves of rhubarb by DessineMoiUnMouton under Pixabay license