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Fern, advice on caring for it


A fern is a beautiful perennial and evergreen plant that comes in many species and varieties.

A few Fern facts:

Type – perennial and indoor plant, leaf plant

Height – 12 to 48 inches (30 to 120 cm)
Exposure – shade and part shade
Soil – ordinary
Foliage – evergreen

Both outdoors or indoors, it makes for very easy care and growing.

Planting of a fern

Fern planting and propagation tipsAs an indoor plant, you can proceed to repot anytime during the year.

For this, use adequate potting soil mix and pour a bed of clay pebbles along the bottom of the pot to increase drainage.

  • For an outdoor plant, transplant from pot to ground in spring.
  • Whether you’re growing it indoors or outdoors, avoid excessively sunny locations.

Trimming a fern

Cut dried or yellowed leaves as they die off, one at a time.

All there is to know about fern

Ferns have the particular trait of being evergreen plants, and have the added benefit of being able to grow on walls, thus keeping them cool all year round.

Once it has started growing somewhere, it is very difficult to tear it out because its roots are tightly welded to its growing medium.

Ferns make great indoor plants thanks to their beautiful leaves and the very little care it requires.

The only maintenance that is called for is a little leaf plant organic fertilizer once or twice a year.

Read also:

Smart tip about ferns

Ferns leaves, when they die off, can have many uses: spread them around fragile plants to winterize them, or along shrub beds to act as a moisture-retaining plant mulch!

Caring for fern

Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
CC BY 2.0: Ashley Basil
CC BY-SA 2.0: Jonas Ahrentorp
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