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Fuschia (or Fuchsia), surprising elegant flowers

fuschia fuchsia

The true spelling of the fuschia plant is actually fuchsia.

People who speak German have an advantage:

  • the fuschia plant name honors a certain  “Mr. Fox”: FUCHS in German!

A personal favorite to remember the spelling is:

“I know there are three letters S, C and H jumbled in there, and their order is alphabetical : CHS !”

Fuschia spelling tips

A simple way to remember the correct spelling is to write the first letter from each of the following words:

  • Fuschia or fuchsiaF uchsia’s
  • U nique
  • C orrect
  • H orticultural
  • S pelling
  • I s
  • A rduous!

The sentence thus runs: “Fuchsia’s Unique Correct Horticultural Spelling Is Arduous!

Lastly, what may help is get frustrated and vulgar:

I don’t give a fuc* how it’s spelled!”… and replace the star with the correct letter!

Another wrong spelling is fushia.

Images: Pixabay: Annette Meyer, Sasa Begovic
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