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Tetterwort or Greater Celandine, a wildflower with sap to cure warts

Tetterwort greater celandine

Tetterwort, greater celandine, is often considered a weed.

Top Tetterwort facts

NameChelidonium majus
Type – medicinal plant

Height – 16 to 20 inches (40 to 50 cm)
Exposure – full sun, part sun

Soil: rather rich         –        Harvest: end of spring to early fall

Its cute flowers and amazing orange sap, however, are full of health benefits.

Sowing and planting Greater Celandine

Greater celandine plantingVery easy. Perform at the beginning of spring, directly in the growing bed.

Simply sprinkle seeds around and rake them into the soil very lightly. Tetterwort is also called “poppy celandine“: not only is it a relative of the famous red poppy, it also spreads and grows very easily.

This is an excellent plant for sowing around beehives: the abundant flowers contain nectar that is full of nutrients.

Bees use these compounds to regulate disease and parasites in their hive.


Tetterwort, excellent for stone walls

Tetterwort birck wallThis grower will sprout in nearly any spot that has a little bit of soil.

Since it grows rather tall, it’s an excellent choice for decorating a stone wall. It will stand out, decorating your stone wall in a burst of fresh green, all the while without hindering creeping cover flowers from growing and blooming.

Learn more about tetterwort

Orange sap on a broken greater celandine stem.This plant is poisonous and must never be ingested.

However, it has been proven to be effective in treating warts.

Greater celandine also goes by the name “tetterwort“.

The bright yellow opaque sap from this plant can be collected simply by cutting or breaking off the stem of a leaf.

It is said to have a beneficial effect when trying to remove warts.

Dabbing the sap on the wart directly once or twice a day will make the wart disappear within a few weeks, and in some cases within a couple months.

Smart tip about greater celandine

Greater celandine plantNote that this plant re-seeds itself very easily, and is often considered a weed by gardeners.


Images: Pixabay: Jaqueline Henning, Emilian Robert Vicol, Hans Braxmeier, Ulrike Leone, Public Domain: Andreas
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  • Richie wrote on 25 February 2023 at 12 h 12 min

    I have a wart now I’ll try this out. It seems too good to be true!