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Herbs and spices, everything there is to know about them

Herbs and spices growing in a garden

Herbs and spices are a perfect match for those who love both gardening and cooking.

It is truly enjoyable to snip a leaf of your very own chives to flavor a lettuce salad, your own mint to pair with strawberries and your own basil to chop onto freshly-picked tomato… isn’t it?

Growing herbs and spices is actually very easy.

This requires only very little space, and the daily joy you get out of it is guaranteed!


Where to grow herbs and spices

  • More or less anywhere, as long as there is a at least some light and sun during the day.
  • Be careful, don’t put all the plants under full sun exposure, it could damage the plant.
  • Best is to chose a spot that is under part shade during the hottest hours of the day, except for plants like rosemary, thyme and basil. Those can take full sun.

Here are all the pages on all the herbs and spices with the advice and tips on growing them.

When to plant herbs and spices

  • In horticulture stores they can be found almost all year round, potted and ready to be grown indoors, but for an outdoor balcony or terrace, wait for the end of April or the beginning of May to bring them outside.

How to care for herbs and spices

Herbs and spices grow quickly as long as you follow a few simple rules.

  • If you must repot, choose all-purpose, green plant or herb plant soil mix.
  • If you’ve planted directly in the ground, amend the soil with special herb fertilizer.
  • Water the plants as soon as the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch, to keep the soil moist.
  • Some you should keep from going to seed, like parsley and coriander. Others you can let bloom and even eat the flowers, like chives!

How to propagate your plants

Are there recommended companion pairings?

Not really, it mostly depends on what herbs and spices you like most.

But it is simpler to gather in the same garden box plants that have the same needs in water.

Note that many herbs have pest-repellent properties. For example, slide some sage and thyme between your cabbage and broccoli to avoid that pesky white butterfly’s caterpillars.

Keeping herbs and spices

The best way of effectively keeping herbs and spices is to freeze them.

  • For that, use a small glass jar like the ones used for jam.

Drying tends to alter the taste of herbs, whereas freezing keeps them fresh and tasty for a long time.

Spices and herbs, the best ones for growingSo recycle your old jam and jelly pots, chop up your herbs, shut the lid and stow away in the freezer. Since the jar is airtight, the plants won’t dehydrate. Modern freezer indeed prevent ice build-up by drying the air in them out.

They will be good for use for several months, which means that the winter period won’t find you lacking in fresh herbs.


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