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Colorful flowers for homes in winter

Indoor flower winter

Warm colors for a warm home.

That’s what Poinsettia and hyacinth have to offer. These two plants gift us with an explosion of colors at the heart of winter.

Amazing natural anti-depressants! They’re easy to care for, and last long after end-of-year festivities… Great ornaments for guests and for your own enjoyment, too!

Poinsettia, coming from the sun

Poinsettia flower with white and red petalsNative to Mexico, poinsettia bursts into a multitude of colored bracts, which earns it the name of Christmas star.

No need to wait for the end-of-year holidays to splurge and gift ourselves with one or more, selecting several colors: red, green, white, pink, salmon and purple.

Leaves of poinsettia are what take on such bright colors, since actual flowers are just teeny-tiny yellow balls that appear in the center.

Poinsettia is a fragile plant, it is vulnerable to the cold and to drafts. Ask that it be wrapped well for transporting it outdoors, and don’t select a plant that is set near the store’s entrance door, where the air is drafty.

To keep your poinsettia alive for months, take care to water without overdoing it, only when the soil has dried off, by immersing the pot in a container of lukewarm water – cold water would tend to make the leaves fall off – and then drip-dry it off so that still water doesn’t collect in the saucer. Set it up in a warm room, 60 to 72°F (15 to 22°C), with abundant indirect light.

Hyacinths, a foretaste of spring

winter indoor flowersWith its superb pink, blue, white, violet, yellow or orange blooms and its fresh fragrance, hyacinth is a concentrate of spring in the middle of winter, just add water!

This bulb, usually sourced from Holland, isn’t very demanding:

  • a little bit of water every couple days just to keep the soil moist is enough,
  • and light or dark exposure don’t really matter.

Hyacinth that bloom in December come from forced bulbs, you’ll find them in pots at the florists’ shops, but you can also prepare them yourself in a tall vase with a shoulder. This is a fast-growing experiment that kids love. And you can transfer it outside later on!

  • Three blooming hyacinthsFill the vase up to about ½ inch (one centimeter) from the top,
  • and place your bulb on it, tip pointing up.
  • Place in a cool spot with no light until leaves appear
  • As sprouting begins, your hyacinth is ready to see the light of day!
  • Remember to replenish water as it grows.

Read all our advice on growing and planting hyacinth

Shown above/right: sprout hyacinth directly in hydrogel balls for easy care!

Laure Hamann

Images: Flower Council Holland, Pixabay: Manfred Richter, Stefan Schweihofer, Unsplash: Gemma Evans
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