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Lime tree or basswood, elegant and productive

Basswood tree

Lime, apart from the usage that is made of its flowers in infusions, is a very ornamental tree.

Lime tree or Basswood facts

Name – Tilia
Family – Malvaceae (mallow family)
Type – tree

Height – 16 to 130 feet (15 to 40 meters)
Exposure – full sun, part sun
Soil – ordinary

Foliage – deciduous – Flowering – summer – Harvested part flower

Since it grows very all, it will need space to develop well.

Planting  basswood tree

It is recommended to plant your lime tree in fall to allow for root development before winter.

If purchased in a pot or in a container you may nonetheless plant until spring while avoiding frost spells.

  • If planting in other seasons than fall, provide for regular watering in order to support root growth.
  • Position your tree at least 50 to 65 feet (15 to 20 meters) from the nearest building, because this tree grows to be very large…

Pruning lime tree or basswood

It isn’t really necessary to prune lime, but if you must prune and reduce branches, do it between the months of November and March, but never while it’s freezing.

For larger branches, it may be smart to apply pruning paste on the wounds to avoid having certain diseases move in.

Harvesting lime tree or basswood flowers

Lime tree flowers are generally harvested at the beginning of summer but depending on the area, the harvest may happen sometime during the most part of summer.

The harvest season matches the blooming season for the lime tree.

  • Lime tree basswood leaf and seed podsThis harvest season is very short and only lasts 2 or 3 days.
  • You must pick the flower and the bract, which is the kind of leaf that is stuck to the flower.
  • The best moment to collect lime tree flower is when just a few flowers have opened and all the others are still in bud shape.
  • These flowers are then spread on clean linens for about a fortnight, in a warm and dry location.
  • It can even stay outside overnight, provided there’s no chance of rain.

Species and varieties of lime tree or basswood

There are 45 lime tree cultivars. Each can be used and all are ornamental. You simply have to choose!

Learn more about lime tree

Lime tree is notorious for its herbal tea and infusions, but it also is a tree with a majestic bearing.

Its leaves have silvery undertones that make it seem very light, whereas its branches which are quite dense will bring fresh, cool shade during summer.

You’ll appreciate its exquisite fragrance and bees are drawn to it for its nectar.

Health benefits of lime tree

Lime tree is traditionally used for herbal tea to alleviate sleeping disorders and soothe restlessness in adults and children alike.

Lime tree or basswood has no side effects whatsoever and can be ingested by the whole family.

The basswood flower also has recognized properties against spasms and fever.

Lastly, studies have shown that regular drinking of lime tree-based herbal tea helped augment natural defenses, especially against colds and common flu.

Diseases and parasites that frequently attack lime tree or basswood

Smart tip about lime tree

As soon as they open, collect the flowers before they dry and fall.

Dry them outdoors and use them for herbal tea over the winter with a nice spoonful of honey!

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