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Lonicera purpusii, Winter Beauty honeysuckle

Honeysuckle 'Winter Beauty' - Lonicera purpusii

Lonicera purpusii, the ‘Winter Beauty’ honeysuckle, offers us deliciously fragrant winter blooms.

Key Lonicera purpusii facts

NameLonicera purpusii
 – Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
 – shrub

Height – 16 to 32 feet (2 to 3 m)
 – full sun
 – ordinary

 – deciduous or evergreen
Flowering – December to April (winter)

Caring for it is easy and both foliage and blooming are extremely ornamental.

Planting Lonicera purpusii, the Winter Beauty honeysuckle

Lonicera purpusii are planted in fall, but it’s also possible to plant them up to spring. Apart from these two ideal periods, avoid freezing and strong heat.

  • They also require well drained soil, so best avoid stagnant water.
  • The ground must stay cool, even in summer.

As for placing, favor any sunbathed exposure.

  • Part sun is also very suitable.

Pruning and caring for Lonicera purpusii, the Winter Beauty honeysuckle

Sprigs are covered in flowers. Wait for them to fall before pruningIt isn’t really necessary to prune it: your Lonicera purpusii can do well without ever being pruned.

  • If you wish to reshape or your honeysuckle or balance the branches somewhat, wait for blooming to be over.

When your honeysuckle starts growing a bit sparse, it is also possible to trim it back severely, it will recover beautifully with renewed growth.

  • If pruning back severely, do this at the end of winter, after the blooming.

Learn more about Lonicera purpusii

Winter Beauty honeysuckles, or Lonicera purpusii, are bushy shrubs that produce delicately fragrant flowers in winter.

Pollinators love this winter honeysuckle for the food it provides in this seasonFor a few weeks somewhere between December and March, depending on the climate and the are, it bears creamy white colored discrete flowers, that free a powerful jasmine-like perfume.

Indeed, this plant boasts white flowers that will decorate our gardens in winter, either planted in the ground or in pots. Pollinators love it, since it provides food to forage on sunny winter days.

Although the foliage is evergreen, in colder climates it is only partially evergreen, and might lose some of its leaves.

Smart tip about Lonicera purpusii

Winter Beauty Lonicera purpusii are also perfectly suited to shaping into a hedge.

Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
CC BY-SA 2.0: Megan Hansen
CC BY 2.0: Conall
Public Domain: De Tuin
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