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Nemesis, a profusion of flowers

nemesis flower

Nemesis is a cute annual that blooms abundantly with warm colors.

Summary list of Nemesis facts

Name – Nemesia
Family – Scrophulariaceae
Type – annual or perennial depending on the variety

Height – 12 to 20 inches (30 to 50 cm) depending on the variety
Exposure – full sun, part sun

Soil: rather rich  –  Flowering: early summer → early/mid-fall

In flower beds, along edges, in garden boxes or hanging pots, it is extremely ornamental and growing it is very easy.

Planting nemesis

Most appropriate is to sow in a sheltered spot starting from the month of March and put in place during the month of May.

Nemesis plantingIf you’re looking to sow your nemesis directly in the bed, wait for the end of April. Blooming, in this case, should occur in August or September.

  • For abundant flower-bearing, prefer a spot that is in part shade and never gets too hot.
  • Best is part sun. But you’ll be happy to see that nemesis still does flower well in the shade.
  • Nemesis prefers rather rich and well drained soil.
  • Water regularly, but not too much, after planting.

Also, best wait for April to transplant specimens purchased in nursery pots to the ground.

Planting nemesis in pots

Nemesis is a flower that is very well suited to growing potted for your garden boxes and pot arrangements.

  • Opt for flower plant soil mix.
  • Water when the surface of the substrate has dried up.

Pruning and caring for nemesis

Planting and care for nemesisCut wilted flowers off your nemesis as soon as they wilt, so that the plant won’t waste energy. This step isn’t mandatory but performing it will stimulate the plant to produce new flowers.

Apart from that, provide for regular watering for nemesis grown in in pots.

At the end of the blooming, once the leaves have withered away, cut back as short as you can.

Diseases and parasites that attack nemesis

Nemesis is often particularly sensitive to powdery mildew.

  • Avoid wetting the leafage when watering.
  • Here, you can find the best practices to fight off powdery mildew.

As regards parasites, aphids is the most common predator, and it can wreck havoc among your plants.

Beautiful Nemesis plant varieties

Nemesis flower varietiesThere are so many options to chose from! Here are a few favorites:

  • Nemesis ‘Safari Pink’ – has two-toned pink petals, with dark pink on the top and lighter pink underneath. This is the picture shown here.
  • Nemesis ‘Nesia’ – two-color flowers, very fragrant
  • N. ‘Mirabelle’ – beautiful pastel-blue flowers, grows densely with abundant blooms.

All types of nemesis flowers are edible, though they don’t necessarily taste good.

Learn more about nemesis

Nemesis flower bloomingNative to South Africa, the nemesis flower is a very cute little flower, that offers abundant blooming all summer long in a range of colors.

Nemesis is quite distinctive thanks to the wide range of colors, from white to red, including yellow. It is also found appealing for its delicate fragrance and its abundant flowering.

Nemesis actually bears so many flowers that at times the tiny colored flowers overtake and cover its leaves.

They’ll be perfect in flower beds, rocky settings or to mark edges, and they’ll also look amazing in pots and garden boxes on your terrace or balcony.

Nemesis comes from the Greek root word nemesis, which stood for righteous anger. It was sometimes tied to the spirit of equilibrium, and also vengeance.

Smart tip about nemesis

In summer, always favor watering in the evening to keep water from evaporating.

Images: CC BY 2.0: Ryan Somma, CC BY-SA 2.0: Judy Dean; Pixabay: Davie Bicker, infoopposite, Melmak
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