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Pansy, ideal for flower beds and garden boxes!


Pansy is a must-have among the fall and winter flowers.

Perfect Pansy facts

 – annual, biennial or perennial

Height – 3 to 6 inches (10 to 20 cm)
Exposure – full sun, part sun
Soil – normal

Difficulty – easy – Flowering – fall, winter and spring

The planting, care and watering are practices which will lead you to have very nice flowers over a long period of time if you perform them properly.

Planting and growing pansy

Planting pansy

If purchased in nursery pots or containers, you can plant the pansy in fall or at the very beginning of spring.

Select a good soil mix instead of your garden soil, this will guarantee that your plant will bloom much better.

For beautiful blossoms, place it in a sun-endowed emplacement, especially in winter when then sun isn’t as strong.

Sowing pansy

Usually you’ll sow from June-July to August.

About 4 weeks after sprouting, transplant to 4 inches (10 cm) apart, and then plant to the final growing bed in fall with special soil mix added in.

  • Usually one square yard (or meter) must be planted with about 10 specimens.
  • Sow in the plot in spring and it will bloom already in summer.
  • If you want it to bloom in fall, sow at the beginning of the month of June.

Caring for pansy

Whether it blooms in spring and summer or in fall and winter, pansy only asks for very little care.

  • For the spring and summer-blooming varieties, water during the hottest months.
  • For the winter varieties, you’ll have to protect the roots from the cold with mulch during the winter.

Any given variety cannot bloom all year round, that is why some pansies are rated to bloom in spring and summer and others are rated to flower in fall and winter.

When the variety is an annual variety, you can pull it out at the end of the blooming whereas a perennial variety will bloom again in the following year.

  • The varieties that flower most and best are the annual varieties.

All there is to know about pansy

pansyPansies flower almost all year round depending on the variety.
A perennial originally, it is generally grown as a biennial and spring is when it is most spectacular with its great variety of colors.

It is also known to flower our gardens, balconies and decks and terraces in flower beds or in garden boxes, in fall and winter, even if the winter is quite harsh.

Over 500 different species are accounted for, which makes for a wide range of available flower hues.

They are often mistaken to be violets, since they look alike and belong to the same family. The only way to tell them apart is with the flower petals.

Here is how to distinguish violets and pansies

  • Violets number 2 petals facing upwards, and three facing downwards.
  • Pansies have 4 petals facing upwards and only one facing down.

Credits for images shared to Nature & Garden (all edits by Gaspard Lorthiois):
Flowers growing in the garden by Захари Минчев under Pixabay license
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