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Pasqueflower, a celebration of Easter

Violet pasqueflower opening up

Let yourself be swayed by this very beautiful pasqueflower, a spring-blooming flower that has a high ornamental value.

Summary of Pasqueflower facts

NamePulsatilla vulgaris
Family – Ranunculaceae
Type – perennial

Height – 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm)
Exposure – full sun
Soil – ordinary, well drained

Flowering – spring

Planting pasqueflower

Planting in winter or at the beginning of spring, and especially as long as it doesn’t freeze.

  • Dig a hole 2 to 3 inches (6 to 8 cm) deep.
  • Place the bulb-like roots at the bottom of the hole, spacing each one 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) from the next.
  • Backfill with the soil that you’ve removed, preferably blending it with a bit of planting soil mix.
  • Water abundantly after that.

Comments on the pasqueflower

Crazy hairdo of the pasqueflower seedhead.Pasqueflower is extremely hardy. Their violet flowers highlight the straw-yellow stamens. The fuzzy hairs protect it from the harshest cold.

These delicious flowers can reappear year after year for several cycles.

They often are the first multi-colored flowers of spring. At the end of spring, a wild hairy seedhead develops, similar to that of clematis. When ripe, seeds detach and float away with the wind.

Learn more about Pasqueflower

White pasqueflower clump with a dozen blooms.The name “Pasqueflower” comes from old French, “la Fleur de Pâques”.

This means “Easter flower“, because its blooming often appears as Christians start preparing for their Easter celebrations. Sometimes this flower is also called “Anemone“.

Some species and varieties of pasqueflower are white. This makes them very beautiful!

Smart tip about pasqueflower

As beautiful in the ground as they are indoors, you can cut them to prepare magnificent flower bouquets!



Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
CC BY-SA 2.0: Susanne Nilsson
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