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Peonies, flowers meant to last

Long-lasting peony

Peonies are long-lasting flowers much appreciated in our gardens.

They are special in that they are hardy and can be handed down from one generation to the next. This blooming wonder is no exception!

Peonies, flowers meant to last

Peony lifespanIt often outlives the person who planted them, and older bunches always bear flowers in great numbers at the end of spring. This plant owes its long lifespan to the deep roots that protect it from climate variations.

Peony is a plant that may be a bit choosy at times, but it’s always full of charm.

Peonies are hardy. Since they aren’t vulnerable to freezing, they can theoretically be planted all winter long. However, since blooming is in spring (from March to June), it is recommended to plant them in fall. This lets roots develop over winter and settles the plant in.

Peonies like sunlight, but not too much of it.

Two peony flowers, white with a dash of red, visited by a ladybugThe soil must run deep, and is best when rich and well drained. If the soil is very hard, break it up first with a spade. If the soil is a bit too poor, add organic matter (horse manure, dried blood…).

Peonies complement climbing roses well, since they cover their base and lower stems.

  • Roses bloom just after peonies do, so they ensure a constantly flowered view on that particular garden spot.

There are two categories of peonies on the market: herbaceous peony and tree peony.

  • As their name hints, tree peonies can normally become full-sized shrubs. But they are even more finicky, and their growth is excruciatingly slow!
  • However, among the herbaceous peonies, there are thousands of hybrids to chose from. They all produce well-endowed flower bunches within a reasonable span of time.

Images: own work: Rosalyn & Gaspard Lorthiois, Pixabay: pixel__2013, 피어나네
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