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Hellebore in pots, caring for potted Christmas rose

Hellebore in pot

Growing a hellebore in a pot makes it possible to witness its exceptional winter blooming even without a garden.

Indeed, hellebore is ideally suited for this purpose: it is very easy to grow all year long in a large container. Great to decorate your terrace or balcony!

However, there are a few rules to follow to make sure they last for years.

Succeed in growing hellebore in a pot

  1. Hellebore varieties well-suited to container growing

Hellebore in potAll hellebores, generally, cope very well with growing in pots. Some species and varieties are tried-and-true for growing in containers, among which you’ll find the following:

  • Helleborus niger, also called Christmas rose, is appreciated by many: it bears large white flowers.
  • Helleborus orientalis, also named Lenten rose, has flower colors that depend on the variety: yellow, pink, violet, etc.
  • And then you’ve got hybrids of species for an even wider range of colors.
  1. How to choose the right pot for a hellebore

Pots for helleboreChoosing the pot, for this plant, is the most crucial aspect. Indeed, hellebore hates being moved around from one pot to the next. This is due to their complex and deep-running rhizome root system. Roots usually inch their way straight down, and in the ground they easily make it to 2 feet deep (60cm). They reach to that depth to find cool soil, which is what the plant needs to survive.

As a conclusion, best is to go for a pot that’s 2 feet deep (60cm) at least. For the width of the pot, select one that’ 3 to 4 times wider across than the nursery pot you bought them in (assuming you bought yours in a garden store).

  1. Choosing the right substrate to grow potted hellebore

Pot with helleboreIn pots, as is the case in the ground, hellebore requires rich, cool and well-drained soil.

This plant also likes soil that tends to be acidic. Use any leftover peat from your heath plants. Consider pairing your hellebore with heather and other such plants.

Select a mix of garden soil and soil mix upon planting.

Adding fertilizer will be necessary on a regular basis, since nutrients tend to wash out faster when the substrate is in pots.

  1. Choosing the right place and exposure for the pot

Note that hellebore, even when growing in a garden box, thrive most when they grow outdoors.

  • Most varieties will do very well in part sun to part shade exposure.
  • Hellebore is very hardy: it can resist temperatures down to 5°F (-15°C), and survives under snow, too. You won’t need to bring your pots indoors, but can leave them out on the balcony all year round if need be.
  • Nonetheless, it’s always better to go for places sheltered from wind (near a wall, in a covered patio or deck, etc).
  1. Caring for hellebore in a pot

We’ve shared earlier that hellebore hates being transplanted. Best avoid transferring the plant from one pot to another once it has already spread its roots out. Water regularly to ensure that the root clump stays cool all the time. And even though you should avoid having the substrate dry out, also make sure to not drown your plant in water every time you water.

Lastly, the substrate needs to stay rich. Add organic matter every spring. Following these rules will give your potted hellebore the best possible environment, and your plant will thrive without any problems for at least four years. When the plant turns 4 years old, divide it:

  • Hellebore in a pot in winterdo this in September, without removing the plant from its pot. Simply cut the plant in half, and tease one half out while leaving the other half in place.
  • Place the portion you extracted in a new pot with fresh soil mix and garden soil.
  • Add soil mix to backfill the hole in the pot with the half-hellebore that was left behind.

This way, you’ll replenish nutrients in the substrate. Though hellebore should cope quite well with such a division, it’s best to water once a week for a month to make sure roots recover and start spreading again.

Smart tip

Even though it’s very hardy, you’ll do good to protect your hellebore in pots from cold winds and frost if it lasts a long time.

To learn more, read:

Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
CC BY 2.0: Mark Wordy, Ruth
CC BY-SA 2.0: Amanda Slater
Flower Council Holland
Pixabay: Stefan Schweihofer
Public Domain: Roscoe Myrick
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