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Willow shrubs, small but ever so elegant

Willow shrubs are willows that grow shorter than normal willow trees

Not all willows grow tall. Some stay short and cute! Here are some willow shrubs to discover.

Wise willow facts

Family – Salicaceae
Type – shrub

 – 3 to 13 feet (1 to 4 m)
Exposure – full sun
Soil – cool

 – deciduous
Flowering – March


Planting willow shrubs

Best planted in fall to promote root development before winter, thus enhancing recovery.

If potted or in containers, you can plant in spring without any risk.

Pruning a willow shrub

  • Prune after flowering to trigger their coloring.
  • Remove dead branches regularly.

Comments about willow shrubs

A beautiful shrub, willow shrubs can bear leaves of beautiful colors from spring to fall.

Easy to care for, it is perfect for solitary planting, or together with other shrubs in a shrub bed. It is also very well suited to growing in pots on your balcony or terrace.

The Salix Caprea variety grows slowly, whereas Salix integra, irrorata, purpurea and rosmarinifolia grow much faster.

Tip on willow shrubs

To keep the ground sufficiently cool, mulch the tree at its base.

Read also on shrubs:

Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
Pixabay: Silviu
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