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Snapdragon, a superb annual flower

Snapdragon in a field

Snapdragon is a superb annual flower that blooms all summer long and even longer, lasting up to fall.

Summary of Snapdragon facts

NameAntirrhinum majus
Type – annual

Height – 6 to 48 inches (15 to 120 cm)
Exposure – sun
Soil – rather rich, well drained

Flowering – June to September/October

Planting and sowing snapdragon

Snapdragon is a plant that self-sows year after year, and this will explain how to get the cycle launched at the start.

How to plant snapdragon

snapdragon potIf you intend to directly purchase your snapdragon in nursery pots, it is best to plant it in spring, towards the month of May, for it to bloom in summer.

Whether the plant is in a container or in the ground, select a sun-filled spot for maximum blooming.

  • Snapdragon likes well-drained ground.
  • Always maintain sufficient moisture in the soil, from the planting all the way up to the blooming.

In pots, simply make sure drainage is very good (holes at the bottom of the pot) for excess water to drain away. Here, pink snapdragon is paired with potted lavender.

Sowing snapdragon

snapdragon sowingIf you’re looking to sow snapdragon seeds, get started at the end of winter and transplant in spring.

  • Sow under cover or in a nursery in March or April.
  • Transplant to the ground in May, ideally when the last frosts are past.

Caring for snapdragon

snapdragon careSnapdragon is a plant that only calls for very little attention.

  • To enhance flower-bearing, remove wilted flowers regularly.
  • During spells of high temperatures, feel free to water in the evening to avoid having your snapdragon dry out.
  • Adding liquid fertilizer during the blooming will generate more numerous flowers and make their colors more dazzling.

Simply leaving your snapdragons be without disturbing them will ensure they re-sow spontaneously year after year.

Snapdragon in winter

Even though it is an annual plant, snapdragon can perfectly withstand mild winters and sow seeds again and again.

It can hold to temperatures down to about 23°F (-5°C).

If you live in an area where the winter is very cold, try to protect your snapdragon with a thick cover of dried leaves, hoping to see the seeds sprout in the following spring.

All there is to know about snapdragon

There are several different snapdragon varieties. Some are quite tall and are marvelous in flower bouquets, others are dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties that are perfectly suited to flower beds and to garden boxes and pots.

Snapdragon varieties

snapdragon varietiesThe taller varieties are best represented by the ‘Madame Butterfly’ which grows about 40 inches (100 cm), and ‘Grand loup’ or ‘Race precurseur’ which grow even taller.

Dwarf and semi dwarf varieties are cute with the ‘Tom Pouce’ at 8 inches (20 cm), ‘Black Prince’ at 16 inches (40 cm), ‘Goupil’ at 20 inches (50 cm) and ‘Race Sonnet’ at 24 inches (60 cm).

Many colors are available. Snapdragon flowers range from pink to yellow and include purple, violet, white and orange.

Your snapdragon may actually change colors in the course of time, this is perfectly normal.

Since these flowers regenerate from seed every year, each generation can vary and have a different appearance.

Snapdragon in the kitchen

Snapdragon is also used in cooking where it shines with very interesting culinary properties.

Although the base taste is bitter and sometimes a bit spicy, it is very ornamental. If you like the taste of endive, you’ll find it quite similar.

Smart tip about snapdragon

Flower your garden, balcony or terrace with snapdragon for a landscape that is full of colors!

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