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10 perfect picks for Spring bulbs

List of the 10 best spring bulbs

Create a lovely end-of-winter experience thanks to this list of 10 beautiful spring bulbs.

Bulbs are among the plants that have a 100% success rate for planting, even for beginner gardeners. All you need to do is plant them in fall, pointy tip upwards, at a depth of 3 times their height.

In spring, wonderful, vigorous, colorful blooms will sprout from the ground!


  • Hyacinth orientalisVariety: Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Blue Magic’
  • Blooming period: March-April
  • Feature: flower clusters with curly-petaled blooms, intense blue with a yellow heart
  • Exposure: sun, part sun
  • Soil: well-draining, deep, fertile
  • Cherry on the top? Its fantastic scent!


Grape hyacinth

  • Muscari is a favorite spring bulbVariety: Muscari armeniacum
  • Blooming period: April-May
  • Feature: small violet-blue panicles that cover the ground
  • Exposure: sun, part sun
  • Soil: well-drained and soft
  • Cherry on the top? Hardy down to 5°F (-15°C), this one isn’t afraid of the cold!



  • Cyclamen coum, a great spring bloomerVariety: Cyclamen coum ‘Album’
  • Blooming period: February to April
  • Feature: small flowers with round upturned white petals contrast with heart-shaped leaves and reddish stems
  • Exposure: part sun, shade
  • Soil: light, well-drained, rich enough
  • Cherry on the top? Winter blooming that colonizes shaded areas.


Ornamental onion

  • Allium giganteum sprouts in Spring from a bulbVariety: Allium giganteum
  • Blooming period: June-July
  • Feature: perfectly round flower clusters that form spheres like violet halos
  • Exposure: full sun
  • Soil: light and well drained
  • Cherry on the top? Its XXL size: over 4 feet tall! (1.5m)



  • Tulipa x Darwin 'ollioules'Variety: Tulipa x Darwin ‘Ollioules’
  • Blooming period: April
  • Feature: the amazing range of colors its flowers show, from pink to white though hues of orange
  • Exposure: full sun
  • Soil: rich and draining well
  • Cherry on the top? An ideal flower for a bouquet



  • Galanthus nivalis is truly beautiful in SpringVariety: Galanthus nivalis
  • Flowering period: January to March
  • Feature: its small bell-like flowers braving the blistering cold Winter frosts.
  • Exposure: sun, part sun, shade
  • Soil: cool, well drained, rather rich
  • Cherry on the top? Its delicately scented and melliferous flowers.



  • The chantilly narcissus shinesVariety: Narcissus ‘Chantilly’
  • Blooming period: April-May
  • Feature: large round, white petals that open up around a wavy golden yellow crown
  • Exposure: sun, part sun
  • Soil: draining, rich and light
  • Cherry on the top? This daffodil‘s large size makes it a great choice in a bouquet.



  • Iris spring bulbVariety: Iris germanica ‘Smiling Faces’
  • Blooming period: April-May
  • Feature: this bearded iris displays ivory white petals with bright yellow sepals
  • Exposure: full sun
  • Soil: well-drained, neutral to chalky
  • Cherry on the top? With its bright colors, this flower brings that fresh Spring feeling to your flower beds.



  • Anemone blanda flowerVariety: Anemone blanda ‘Blue Splendour’
  • Blooming period: March-April
  • Feature: cute little flowers with a wild daisy-like touch, with pastel purple petals and a warm yellow center
  • Exposure: sun, part sun
  • Soil: cool but with perfect drainage
  • Cherry on the top? Anemone forms flowery pillows if planted in great numbers.



  • Best spring bulbs with the crocusVariety: Crocus chrysanthus ‘Cream Beauty’
  • Blooming period: February-March
  • Feature: soft creamy yellow flower cusp that highlights its bright orange stamens
  • Exposure: full sun
  • Soil: well-drained, neutral to chalky
  • Cherry on the top? Early blooming that pairs wonderfully with that of snowdrop.


How to care for Spring bulbs?

Most bulbs can simply stay in place, especially if the soil they’re in drains well – particularly during their dormant phase. You must let them bloom and only cut the foliage off once the entire plant has wilted away, yellow and dry. Take this as a warning: leaves as well, not just the flower stem! The reason behind this is that bulbs store nutrients and stock up for the following year just after the blooming. If you cut leaves off while still green, they probably haven’t stored enough to survive until next year!

Images: CC BY 2.0: Josh Egan-Wyer, nnice, CC BY-SA 2.0: Alvin Kho, F. D. Richards, elPadawan, Michael Stout, Nature & Garden contributor: KANENORI, Pixabay: Asami Green, Marek Studzinski, magic_moments_everywhere, Vladislav Pchelintsev
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