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Coreopsis, tickseed, the charming eye flower

Coreopsis tickseed

Coreopsis is a superb summer-blooming perennial. Its gold yellow flowers stand out with their purple-colored heart.

Core Coreopsis facts

Name – Coreopsis
Family – Asteraceae
Type – perennial

Height – 15 to 40 inches (40 to 100 cm) depending on the variety
Exposure – full sun

Soil: ordinary, well drained   –   Flowering: late spring to early fall

Both easy to care for and bearing abundant flowers, the ornamental impact is guaranteed, whether in flower beds, garden boxes or containers.

Planting Coreopsis or tickseed

Depending on the place you live, and on the variety you’re growing, Coreopsis either grows as a perennial or an annual.

Perennial tickseed

coreopsis plantingCoreopsis planting is either in fall or in spring, but avoid times of frost and high temperatures.

  • Coreopsis tolerates any type of soil.
  • It likes being in the sun, even if the soil tends to be very dry.
  • Set a distance between consecutive bases of more or less 16 to 20 inches (30 to 40 cm) and enrich your soil with soil mix.

Propagate it through crown division at the beginning of spring.

  • If you don’t touch the flowers, the plant will re-seed itself on its own year after year and is thus very easy to propagate.

Annual coreopsis

Sowing early in the season (April) under shelter or in a nursery, transplant to the ground when the last frost date has passed.

It’s possible to sow directly in the plot after this date (last frost) but the blooming will appear much later.

For an even earlier blooming, such as end of spring, sow directly in the plot in March with protection. A tunnel or cold frame are perfect.

Pruning Coreopsis or tickseed

coreopsis careCut wilting flowers off as they die away to stimulate new blossoms.

  • The grandiflora variety is best off staked.
  • Prune back after flowering.

Pull annual varieties out after they’ve given you new seeds to plant for next year. Lay the stems across the growing bed for mulch and fertilizer.

Watering coreopsis

Water in case of strong heat wave or of extended drought.

All there is to know about tickseed

Coreopsis flowerThis herbaceous plant native to North America exists both as an annual and as a perennial.

It grows to a bushy shape.

It often brightens flower beds and edges with its bright yellow flowers.

There are a few interesting Coreopsis varieties, for instance:

Perennial coreopsis

Varieties of coreopsisCoreopsis grandiflora is remarkable: it grows over 3 feet tall (1m). Its yellow flowers bloom from May to September.

Coreopsis lanceola is shorter, only 1½ feet tall (40-45 cm). Yellow flowers as well.

Coreopsis rosea has flowers that are an elegant pink hue.

To appeal to other senses, try Coreopsis tripteris that releases an anis-like fragrance.

Coreopsis verticillata is taller than the lanceolata, reaching 2 feet / 60 cm very quickly.

There are also a great many hybrid tickseed flowers with many different shapes and colors.

Annual tickseed

This is most often Coreopsis tinctoria which has a beautiful blooming during the entire summer. Flowers are yellow with a purple heart.

Smart tip about coreopsis, tickseed

Stake taller stems to avoid having them break due to wind.

Divide clumps every 2-3 years.

Images: Pixabay: Brett Hondow, Darko Djurin, Jarmila, Kim Dae Jeung, imseob so
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