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Mariesii, a special doublefile Viburnum plicatum

mariesii viburnum

Mariesii doublefile is a very beautiful viburnum, much appreciated in gardens for its appealing blooming.

Viburnum plicatum Mariesii facts

Name – Viburnum plicatum v. tomentosum ‘Mariesii’
Family Adoxaceae (formerly Caprifoliaceae)
Type shrub

8 feet (2.5 m)
Exposure full sun or part sun
Soil ordinary, well drained

Flowering April to June

Planting, caring for it and pruning contribute a lot to the proper growth of the Viburnum plicatum Mariesii.

Planting your Viburnum plicatum v. tomentosum ‘Mariesii’

Preferably in fall or in spring for specimens purchased in pots or in containers.

Pruning the Mariesii Viburnum

Viburnum mariesii pruningNo pruning is formally required, but you may of course prune it to adjust its silhouette or reduce its size.

Wait for the blooming to end if you wish to reduce or reshape the shrub. Pruning after the blooming is over guarantees that you’ll have flowers again next year.

If you prune too late, as in end of summer or fall, you’ll risk cutting off flower-bearing branches.

Landscaping with Viburnum Mariesii

Viburnum mariesii landscapingThe floating reams of spring flowers earned this particular viburnum a spot-on nickname: the “wedding cake shrub”.

Indeed, each layer seems more beautiful than the next, with levels of wonderfully detailed flowers.

Plant Mariesii as a stand-alone to maximize its impact on the garden and landscaping. Underneath it, pair it with other white flowers that bloom around the same period, such as white muscari, white daffodils or white tulips.

All there is to know about Viburnum plicatum ‘Mariesii’

The ‘Mariesii’ viburnum is a very beautiful shrub which has a blooming as magnificent in spring as its foliage is in fall.

As part of a flowered hedge, as a standalone or in shrub beds, its growing and maintenance is easy.

Also part of the Viburnum family is laurestine or Viburnum tinus which is often found in our gardens. Another, the ‘Watanabe’ doublefile japanese snowball, has a blooming that lasts for a very long time, from May to October.

Read also on shrubs:

Smart tip about Mariesii

Avoid locations that are too exposed to harsh sun.

Images: adobestock: Steve, CC BY 2.0: Elsa Blaine, Wendy Cutler
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  • Maria Lourdes Gabriel wrote on 8 August 2020 at 4 h 29 min

    I have 2 fully grown mariessi shrubs. They put out a lot of beautiful leaves, but not too many flowers. I have seen ones that are profuse with white flowers. Help!

    • Gaspard wrote on 10 August 2020 at 14 h 39 min

      Hello Maria Lourdes, there are a few reasons why the shrubs might not yet bloom much. To bloom best, 6 hours of direct sun is a minimum, so if an overhead tree spreads too much shade, you might try to thin it and let more light through. Secondly, soil should not be too rich (too much nitrogen) nor too alkaline. Best is to have it slightly acidic, so a good option is to use pine bark mulch or spread a cup of fresh (not used) coffee grounds once every couple months until spring. Lastly, I trust you only prune the shrub right after it has finished blooming, end of spring. If you prune in summer, fall or winter, you’ll be cutting off the following year’s flower buds!