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Flowers in the garden for fall and winter

An open pink winter flower, the Christmas rose or hellebore.

When the plant kingdom slumbers and snow sometimes covers the green span of lawn, we often find it unimaginable that a single flower can disturb this tranquil scene.

But actually, some perennials are just waiting for this season to burst into bloom and lend a sparkle to the season!

These will turn your garden, terrace or balcony into a marvelous flowered world where you can spend the end-of-year feast with pleasure!

Read about the most beautiful winter-blooming flowers.

Flowering your garden in winter

When adding flowers to your winter garden boxes or flower beds, you’ll be giving an entirely different tone to your gardening space.

Alternate these with warm torches or bright candles that will bring on light to the year-end feasts. All in all, easy magnificent flowers perfect to decorate your garden or windowsills.

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Among the most beautiful winter-blooming flowers for your garden

Two white helleborus winter flowers.Hellebores drape themselves in beautiful flowers in subtle tones of white and pink.

They are extremely hardy to the cold, and their nickname “Christmas rose” shows that they’re (normally) making their debut for that date.


White Erica variety of winter heather.Heather counts among its varieties one that is called ‘Winter heather‘, and you will marvel at its many flowers!

Its tiny pink, purple or white bells will provide superb appeal to your garden box, pot arrangements and flower beds.



Bright red-yellow primroses bloom in winter.Garden primroses can set off colorful fireworks on their very own!

Annuals bear many more flowers, whereas perennials have the advantage of blooming repeatedly year after year.




Yellow and purple pansy or viola winter flowers.Pansies and violas will enliven the garden from the beginning of winter until spring.

They are virtually mandatory since they adapt just as well to garden boxes as they do to flower beds in the garden.




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Smart tip about winter flowers

Try to plant new winter flowers on days that aren’t freezing: many are fine when roots are in the ground, but exposing them to the biting cold air could lead to transplant shock.

Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0: Günther Flaig
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