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Wormwood weedy tea, ferment Artemisia against fungus and pests

Wormwood weedy tea

Very fragrant, wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) forms the base for an effective liquid manure, serving as a repellent to push away certain pests, and also as a curative treatment against certain fungal diseases.

Discover our recipe to make it and the multiple ways to use it, pure or diluted.

Easy to grow in a garden or vegetable garden, sometimes invasive, wormwood is rich in thujone, a compound long accused of driving people mad!

To go further:

Recipe for wormwood liquid manure

Harvest 2.2 lbs of wormwood leaves and flowers (1 kg) between July and October using pruning shears.

  • Recipe for wormwood weed teaPlace the harvest in a plastic bucket without chopping or grinding it
  • Cover with 2.6 gallons of water (10 liters), ideally rainwater
  • Cover the bucket with an old cloth to let fermentation gases escape
  • Place your bucket outside, in the shade
  • Stir the liquid manure with a stick or a wooden spoon every day for 5 to 10 minutes
  • Let the wormwood steep for 10 to 15 days depending on the temperature. Fermentation is over when you no longer see bubbles or white foam rise to the surface
  • Filter with gauze and transfer the wormwood liquid manure into an opaque container
  • Label to identify its contents and place out of reach of children.

It’s worth noting that use of a metal bucket is not recommended due to possible container oxidation (it’ll rust fast). If you don’t collect rainwater, you can use tap water, but you should let it settle for 48 hours to get rid of all its chlorine.

Wormwood manure use for garden and vegetables

This wormwood manure is very useful both in ornamental gardens and in vegetable patches due to its various virtues. It also plays a part in organic pest control, serving as an insecticide or insect repellent. Likewise, it has fungicidal action to eradicate certain fungal diseases.

An effective insecticide

Uses of artemisia weed teaFermented wormwood manure is especially useful for getting rid of numerous insects such as:

To fight these insects, use wormwood as a decoction for even more effectiveness. For this, soak a handful of wormwood leaves and flowers for 24 hours in water. Then, boil for 20 minutes and let it cool (keep it covered). Spray the undiluted decoction when these different insects are flying.

An insect repellent treatment

Wormwood manure also helps to dramatically keep away aphids, ants and caterpillars. Simply spray pure wormwood manure in the spring. It will also have a repelling action to keep away all the aforementioned flying insects.

Fungicidal action of Artemisia tea

Wormwood weedy tea is known to be a powerful fungicide that treats rust on red and black currants. Again, use it undiluted for this purpose.

When and how to spray wormwood manure?

Apply wormwood manure with a hand sprayer on a day with no rain or wind. Do it very early in the morning or late in the evening. Avoid spraying this manure in the day under bright sun at all costs because foliage on plants may burn because of the concentrated compounds.

Storing wormwood manure

Storing and keepinng wormwood teaYou can store wormwood manure for several months.

Use an opaque, airtight container.

Store in a cool, dark and well-ventilated place.

Remember to rinse your hand pump and/or sprayer after use to avoid corroding sensitive parts (spring, nozzles, tubes).

Artemisia, a helpful companion plant

To make use of its repellent properties, you can also plant a few wormwood plants in a corner of the vegetable garden. However, it’s best not to place it in the middle of your crops as it tends to become invasive. In addition, it’s an allelopathic plant, meaning its root system prevents other plants from growing.

A great way to maximize Absinthe without risking an invasion is to regularly pick a few wormwood leaves and place them on the ground between rows of cabbage, beans, and carrots.

→ Also discover: Artemisia vulgaris: common mugwort

Smart Tip

An infusion of wormwood, 0.07 oz of dry leaves in 1 cup of hot water (2 grams in 25 cl) for 10 minutes works well against digestive problems and intestinal malfunctions.

Images: 123RF: Madeleine Steinbach, CC BY-SA 2.0: Matt Lavin; Pixabay: Henryk Niestrój, mac231
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