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Marjoram health benefits and therapeutic value

Marjoram health benefits

Marjoram boasts many useful health benefits. With scientific name Origanum majorana (garden oregano), it is a perennial herb that grows in dense 2 foot (60 cm) bunches.

It is a medicinal herb that is credited with many health benefits.

Marjoram belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is native to Southern Europe and the Middle East. In colder temperate climates it is grown as an annual.

Marjoram and its health benefits

Marjoram is an excellent antiseptic, both internal and external.

– It is also a very powerful antispasmodic: marjoram is used in case of troubled digestion due to nervous causes, diarrhea, and flatulence.

– Do you suffer from migraines or have facial motor tics? Marjoram can help!

– Marjoram impacts the sympathetic nervous system, and is recommended against insomnia and anxiety.

– Rheumatism, stiff neck and sciatic pain are greatly alleviated thanks to marjoram.

– Marjoram is also invigorating, diaphoretic and diuretic.


Marjoram infusion – 1½ oz (40 grams) of fresh leaves and flowers (ten times less if dried) for 1 quart (1 liter) water. Steep for 10 minutes and drink 3 to 4 mugs a day between meals, and another before sleeping in case of insomnia. Truly delicious!

  • Marjoram infusions are perfect for soothing gastric disorders.

External use

Marjoram oil – chop 9 oz (250 g) marjoram into 1 quart (1 liter) olive oil. Boil in a double-boiler for an hour. Filter. Use to friction painful areas. It is also excellent to treat colds.

Toxicity of marjoram

Essential oil distilled from the plant must not be ingested.

Growing marjoram for its health benefits

Marjoram will do well in any loosened garden soil, in full sun in a warm spot.

In mild or warm climates, you can grow marjoram as a perennial.

How about potted marjoram?

Marjoram truly thrives in pots. Choose a garden box filled with cool, soft, rich soil mix: harvest will be abundant!

Species and varieties of marjoram

Only its original form is grown. Be careful that marjoram is easily confused with oregano (Oreganum vulgare) which is a less fragrant perennial.

Smart tip about marjoram

Marjoram grows very well next to rose trees, and even protects it against many parasites as would an insecticide, since it acts as a repellent.

Marjoram in cooking

Marjoram leaves delicately flavor many meals that include gravy, as well as soups, marinades and pizzas.

Savory ideas with Marjoram

If you like fish, try marinating swordfish with marjoram. Truly a delight!

A few synonyms of “marjoram” to shine in public…

Marjoram is also called “great oregano”, “wild oregano” or “pot marjoram”.

Blandine Merlin

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