A signature is a nice way to introduce yourself to other Nature & Garden community members. Here are a few tips on how it works on this forum.
Some things should remain private: after all, this entire forum is public. This means anybody can access and view posts, replies, and pictures both in the forum and on your member profile page.
Also, some things regularly trigger difficult discussions. Readers should want to grow luscious tomatoes, not throw rotten ones at each other!
Thus, do not state or include:
Signatures are moderated, so if anything is out of line we’ll send you a message to work things out together.
However, some things are nice and might lead to new local friendships and more relevant gardening help and advice:
Make your signature more lively, if you wish!
Your signature is always updated, even on past posts and replies. We don’t save or store past versions of your signature. Only the current one remains in the website database.
To erase your signature:
If you erase it, it’ll disappear from all posts and replies you’ve ever written.
As per our terms of use, adding links that connect to merchant websites or other editorial sites isn’t allowed in your signature. Moderators will edit them out. In clear cases of spamming, you’ll be banned instantly.
Links are automatically given the “nofollow” property, meaning they won’t count towards SEO ranking by the various search engines.
Basic HTML editing is available for formatting. For example, you can use colors, bold, italics and strikethrough.
The maximum length of your signature is 1000 characters. These include emoticons which may count for several characters each. Adding colors to your fonts and such may also count towards this limit.